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In this session, you will find a list of the work published by our group.

First Author

Andrade, D., Pasini, F., Scarano, F.R., 2020. Syntropy and innovation in agriculture. Curr. Opin. Environ. Sustain. 45, 20–24.
Araújo, A.C. de, 2009. Spatial variation of CO2 fluxes and lateral transport in an area of terra firme forest in central Amazonia. PhD Thesis, Free University Amsterdam, 166p
Čížková, H., Květ, J., Comín, F.A., Laiho, R., Pokorný, J., Pithart, D., 2013. Actual state of European wetlands and their possible future in the context of global climate change. Aquat. Sci. 75, 3–26.
Cuartas, L., Tomasella, J., Nobre, A.D., Hodnett, M., Waterloo, M., 2007. Interception water-partitioning dynamics for a pristine rainforest in Central Amazonia: Marked differences between normal and dry years. Agric. For. Meteorol. 145, 69–83.
Cuartas, L.A., Tomasella, J., Nobre, A.D., Nobre, C.A., Hodnett, M.G., Waterloo, M.J., Oliveira, S.M. De, Randow, R.D.C. Von, Trancoso, R., Ferreira, M., 2012. Distributed hydrological modeling of a micro-scale rainforest watershed in Amazonia: Model evaluation and advances in calibration using the new HAND terrain model. J. Hydrol. 462–463, 15–27.
Gorshkov, V.G., Makarieva, A.M., Gorshkov, V.V., 2000. Biotic Regulation of the Environment: Key Issues of Global Change. Springer Verlag.
Gorshkov, V.G., Makarieva, A.M., Gorshkov, V. V, 2004. Revising the fundamentals of ecological knowledge: the biota–environment interaction. Ecol. Complex. 1, 17–36.
Gorshkov, V.G., Makarieva, A.M., Nefiodov, A. V., 2012. Condensation of water vapor in the gravitational field. J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 115, 723–728.
Gorshkov, V., Makarieva, A., n.d. Biotic Pump of Atmospheric Moisture: Forest brings water from ocean to land PDF Presentation.
Gorshkov, V.G., Makarieva, A.M., 2002. Greenhouse effect dependence on atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse substances and the nature of climate stability on Earth. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 2, 289–337
Gorshkov, V., Makarieva, A., 2020. Key ecological parameters of immotile versus locomotive life. Russian Journal of Ecosystem Ecology. Vol 5(1)
Makarieva, A.M., Gorshkov, V.G.V., Sheil, D., Nobre, a. D.A., Li, B.-L., 2013. Where do winds come from? A new theory on how water vapor condensation influences atmospheric pressure and dynamics. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13, 1039–1056
Makarieva, A.M., Gorshkov, V., 2007. Biotic pump of atmospheric moisture as driver of the hydrological cycle on land. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 11, 1013–1033.
Makarieva, A., Gorshkov, V., Li, B., 2013. Revisiting forest impact on atmospheric water vapor transport and precipitation. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 1–29.
Makarieva, A.M., Gorshkov, V.G., Li, B.L., 2006. Conservation of water cycle on land via restoration of natural closed-canopy forests: Implications for regional landscape planning. Ecol. Res. 21, 897–906
Makarieva, A.M., Gorshkov, V.G., Nefiodov, A. V., Nobre, A.D., Bunyard, P., Nobre, P., Li, B.L., 2017. The equations of motion for moist atmospheric air. J. Geophys. Res. 122, 7300–7307
Makarieva, A.M., Gorshkov, V.G., 2010. Potential energy of atmospheric water vapor and the air motions induced by water vapor condensation on different spatial scales. Na 37. arXiv:1003.5466v1
Makarieva, A.M., Gorshkov, V.G., 2010. The Biotic Pump: Condensation, atmospheric dynamics and climate. Int. J. Water 5, 365.
Makarieva, A.M., Gorshkov, V.G., Li, B.L., 2009. Precipitation on land versus distance from the ocean: Evidence for a forest pump of atmospheric moisture. Ecol. Complex. 6, 302–307.
Makarieva, A.M., Gorshkov, V.G., Nobre, A.D., Bunyard, P., Li, B.L., 2014. Why does air passage over forest yield more rain? Examining the coupling between rainfall, pressure, and atmospheric moisture content. J. Hydrometeorol. 15, 411–426.
Molina, R.D., Salazar, J.F., Martínez, J.A., Villegas, J.C., Arias, P.A., 2019. Forest-Induced Exponential Growth of Precipitation Along Climatological Wind Streamlines Over the Amazon. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 124, 2589–2599.
Nobre, A.D., Cuartas, L.A., Momo, M.R., Severo, D.L., Pinheiro, A., Nobre, C.A., 2016. HAND contour: A new proxy predictor of inundation extent. Hydrol. Process. 30.
Nobre, A.D., Cuartas, L.A., Hodnett, M., Rennó, C.D., Rodrigues, G., Silveira, A., Waterloo, M., Saleska, S., 2011. Height Above the Nearest Drainage - a hydrologically relevant new terrain model. J. Hydrol. 404.
Nobre, A.D., 2014. The Future Climate of Amazonia Scientific Assessment Report. Center for Earth System Science, e-book, INPE, 42p
Nobre, P., Siqueira, L., Almeida, R.A.F. de, Malagutti, M., Giarolla, E., Castelão, G.P., Bottino, M.J., Kubota, P., Figueroa, S.N., Costa, M.C., Baptista, M., Irber, L., Marcondes, G.G., Jr., M.B., Luiz Irber Jr., G.G.M., 2013. Climate Simulation and Change in the Brazilian Climate Model. J. Clim. 1–53.
Nobre, P., Malagutti, M., Urbano, D.F., de Almeida, R. a. F., Giarolla, E., 2009. Amazon Deforestation and Climate Change in a Coupled Model Simulation. J. Clim. 22, 5686–5697.
Nobre, P., Pereira, E.B., Lacerda, F.F., Bursztyn, M., Haddad, E.A., Ley, D., 2019. Solar smart grid as a path to economic inclusion and adaptation to climate change in the Brazilian Semiarid Northeast. Int. J. Clim. Chang. Strateg. Manag. 11, 499–517.
Nobre, P., De Almeida, R.A., Malagutti, M., Giarolla, E., 2012. Coupled ocean-atmosphere variations over the South Atlantic Ocean. J. Clim. 25, 6349–6358.
Nobre, P., Marengo, J.A., Cavalcanti, I.F.A., Obregon, G., Barros, V., Camilloni, I., Campos, N., Ferreira, A.G., 2006. Seasonal-to-decadal predictability and prediction of South American climate. J. Clim. 19, 5988–6004.
Pokorný, J., 2001. Dissipation of solar energy in landscape - Controlled by management of water and vegetation. Renew. Energy 24, 641–645.
Pokorný, J., Brom, J., Čermák, J., Hesslerová, P., Huryna, H., Nadezdhina, N., Rejšková, A., 2010. Solar energy dissipation and temperature control by water and plants. Int. J. Water 5, 311–336.
Pokorný, J., Květ, J., Rejšková, A., Brom, J., 2010. Wetlands as energy-dissipating systems. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 37, 1299–1305.
Rakocevic, M., Batista, E.R., Pazianotto, R.A.A., Scholz, M.B.S., Souza, G.A.R., Campostrini, E., Ramalho, J.C., 2021. Leaf gas exchange and bean quality fluctuations over the whole canopy vertical profile of Arabic coffee cultivated under elevated CO2. Funct. Plant Biol. 48, 469.


Ávila, F.F., Alvalá, R.C., Mendes, R.M., Amore, D.J., 2021. The influence of land use/land cover variability and rainfall intensity in triggering landslides: a back-analysis study via physically based models. Nat. Hazards 105, 1139–1161.
Baker, I.T., Harper, A.B., da Rocha, H.R., Denning, A.S., Araújo, A.C., Borma, L.S., Freitas, H.C., Goulden, M.L., Manzi, A.O., Miller, S.D., Nobre, A.D., Restrepo-Coupe, N., Saleska, S.R., Stöckli, R., von Randow, C., Wofsy, S.C., 2013. Surface ecophysiological behavior across vegetation and moisture gradients in tropical South America. Agric. For. Meteorol. 182–183.
Baker, J., Garcia-Carreras, L., Gloor, M., Marsham, J., Buermann, W., da Rocha, H., Nobre, A., de Araujo, A.C., Spracklen, D., 2020. Evapotranspiration in the Amazon: spatial patterns, seasonality and recent trends in observations, reanalysis and CMIP models. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. 1–32.
Broedel, E., Von Randow, C., Cuartas, L.A., Nobre, A.D., de Araújo, A.C., Kruijt, B., Tourigny, E., Cândido, L.A., Hodnett, M., Tomasella, J., 2017. Simulation of Surface Fluxes in Two Distinct Environments along a Topographic Gradient in a Central Amazonian Forest using the INtegrated LAND Surface Model. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. 1–49.
Chou, S.C., Lyra, A., Mourão, C., Dereczynski, C., Pilotto, I., Gomes, J., Bustamante, J., Tavares, P., Silva, A., Rodrigues, D., Campos, D., Chagas, D., Sueiro, G., Siqueira, G., Nobre, P., Marengo, J., 2014. Evaluation of the Eta Simulations Nested in Three Global Climate Models. Am. J. Clim. Chang. 03, 438–454.
Da Rocha, H.R., Manzi, A.O., Cabral, O.M., Miller, S.D., Goulden, M.L., Saleska, S.R., Coupe, N.R., Wofsy, S.C., Borma, L.S., Artaxo, R., Vourlitis, G., Nogueira, J.S., Cardoso, F.L., Nobre, A.D., Kruijt, B., Freitas, H.C., Von Randow, C., Aguiar, R.G., Maia, J.F., 2009. Patterns of water and heat flux across a biome gradient from tropical forest to savanna in brazil. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosciences 114.
Dunbabin, J.S., Pokorný, J., Bowmer, K.H., 1988. Rhizosphere oxygenation by Typha domingensis Pers. in miniature artificial wetland filters used for metal removal from wastewaters. Aquat. Bot. 29, 303–317.
Ellison, D., Morris, C.E., Locatelli, B., Cohen, J., Murdiyarso, D., Gutierrez, V., Noordwijk, M. van, Creed, I.F., Pokorny, J., Gaveau, D., Spracklen, D. V., Tobella, A.B., Ilstedt, U., Teuling, A.J., Gebrehiwot, S.G., Sands, D.C., Muys, B., Verbist, B., Springgay, E., Sugandi, Y., Sullivan, C.A., 2017. Trees, forests and water: Cool insights for a hot world. Glob. Environ. Chang. 43, 51–61.
Fonseca, L.C.N. da, Araújo, A.C. de, Manzi, A.O., Carvalho, C.J.R. de, Oliveira, L.R. de, 2018. CO2 Fluxes in Oil Palm Plantation in Eastern Amazonia. Rev. Bras. Meteorol. 33, 181–192.
Haarsma, R.J., Roberts, M.J., Vidale, P.L., Catherine, A., Bellucci, A., Bao, Q., Chang, P., Corti, S., Fučkar, N.S., Guemas, V., Von Hardenberg, J., Hazeleger, W., Kodama, C., Koenigk, T., Leung, L.R., Lu, J., Luo, J.J., Mao, J., Mizielinski, M.S., Mizuta, R., Nobre, P., Satoh, M., Scoccimarro, E., Semmler, T., Small, J., Von Storch, J.S., 2016. High Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP v1.0) for CMIP6. Geosci. Model Dev. 9, 4185–4208.
Hesslerová, P., Pokorný, J., 2010. Forest clearing, water loss, and land surface heating as development costs. Int. J. Water 5, 401–418.
Hesslerová, P., Pokorný, J., Brom, J., Rejšková-Procházková, A., 2013. Daily dynamics of radiation surface temperature of different land cover types in a temperate cultural landscape: Consequences for the local climate. Ecol. Eng. 54, 145–154.
Huryna, H., Brom, J., Pokorny, J., 2014. The importance of wetlands in the energy balance of an agricultural landscape. Wetl. Ecol. Manag. 22, 363–381.
Kerches Braghiere, R., Akemi Yamasoe, M., Manuel Évora Do Rosário, N., Ribeiro Da Rocha, H., De Souza Nogueira, J., Carioca De Araújo, A., 2020. Characterization of the radiative impact of aerosols on CO2 and energy fluxes in the Amazon deforestation arch using artificial neural networks. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 20, 3439–3458.
Kunert, N., Aparecido, L.M.T., Wolff, S., Araujo, A.C. de, Trumbore, S., 2017. A revised hydrological model for the Central Amazon: The importance of emergent canopy trees in the forest water budget. Agric. For. Meteorol. 239, 47–57.
Malhi, Y., Nobre, A.D., Grace, J., Kruijt, B., Pereira, M.G.P., Culf, A., Scott, S., 1998. Carbon dioxide transfer over a Central Amazonian rain forest. J. Geophys. Res. 103, 31,593-31,612.
Nobre, C.A., Marengo, J.A., Seluchi, M.E., Cuartas, L.A., Alves, L.M., 2016. Some Characteristics and Impacts of the Drought and Water Crisis in Southeastern Brazil during 2014 and 2015. J. Water Resour. Prot. 08, 252–262.
Repelli, C.A., Nobre, P., 2004. Statistical prediction of sea-surface temperature over the tropical Atlantic. Int. J. Climatol. 24, 45–55.
Restrepo-Coupe, N., da Rocha, H.R., Hutyra, L.R., da Araujo, A.C., Borma, L.S., Christoffersen, B., Cabral, O.M.R., de Camargo, P.B., Cardoso, F.L., da Costa, A.C.L., Fitzjarrald, D.R., Goulden, M.L., Kruijt, B., Maia, J.M.F., Malhi, Y.S., Manzi, A.O., Miller, S.D., Nobre, A.D., von Randow, C., Sá, L.D.A., Sakai, R.K., Tota, J., Wofsy, S.C., Zanchi, F.B., Saleska, S.R., 2013. What drives the seasonality of photosynthesis across the Amazon basin? A cross-site analysis of eddy flux tower measurements from the Brasil flux network. Agric. For. Meteorol. 182–183, 128–144.
Solander, K.C., Newman, B.D., Carioca De Araujo, A., Barnard, H.R., Berry, Z.C., Bonal, D., Bretfeld, M., Burban, B., Candido, L.A., Célleri, R., Chambers, J.Q., Christoffersen, B.O., Detto, M., Dorigo, W.A., Ewers, B.E., Ferreira, S.J.F., Knohl, A., Leung, L.R., McDowell, N.G., Miller, G.R., Monteiro, M.T.F., Moore, G.W., Negron-Juarez, R., Saleska, S.R., Stiegler, C., Tomasella, J., Xu, C., 2020. The pantropical response of soil moisture to El Niño. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 24, 2303–2322.
Sommer, R., Sá, T.D.D.A., Vielhauer, K., Araújo, A.C. De, Fölster, H., Vlek, P.L.G., 2002. Transpiration and canopy conductance of secondary vegetation in the eastern Amazon. Agric. For. Meteorol. 112, 103–121.
Toniol, A.C., Galvão, L.S., Ponzoni, F.J., Sano, E.E., de Jesus Amore, D., 2017. Potential of hyperspectral metrics and classifiers for mapping Brazilian savannas in the rainy and dry seasons. Remote Sens. Appl. Soc. Environ. 8, 20–29.
Van Kleunen, M., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Pergl, J., Winter, M., Weber, E., Kreft, H., Weigelt, P., Kartesz, J., Nishino, M., Antonova, L.A., Barcelona, J.F., Cabezas, F.J., Cárdenas, D., Cárdenas-Toro, J., Castaño, N., Chacón, E., Chatelain, C., Ebel, A.L., Figueiredo, E., Fuentes, N., Groom, Q.J., Henderson, L., Inderjit, Kupriyanov, A., Masciadri, S., Meerman, J., Morozova, O., Moser, D., Nickrent, D.L., Patzelt, A., Pelser, P.B., Baptiste, M.P., Poopath, M., Schulze, M., Seebens, H., Shu, W.S., Thomas, J., Velayos, M., Wieringa, J.J., Pyšek, P., 2015. Global exchange and accumulation of non-native plants. Nature 525, 100–103.
von Randow, R. de C.S., von Randow, C., de Araújo, A.C., Manzi, A.O., Hutjes, R., Kruijt, B., 2020. Evapotranspiration and gross primary productivity of secondary vegetation in Amazonia inferred by eddy covariance. Agric. For. Meteorol. 294.
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