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1 min de leitura
BPGG supports Baku COP29 Forest Declaration from Central Asia and the Caucasus
This powerful and courageous document calls to "Recognize the role of intact ecosystems for climate stabilization. The most important...

1 min de leitura
The Green Lever: Mobilizing Government, Business and Finance to Fuel Nature's Future
Financial mechanisms, business strategies and governmental policies can play a pivotal role in promoting environmental sustainability and...

1 min de leitura
Brainwaves and Climate Raves, Local Voices and Global Echoes
Videos of Sessions 4 and 7 of the Embracing Nature's Complexity Conference are available on our new Youtube channel:...

1 min de leitura
New research with BPGG participation: Shuli Chen et al. 2024 in Nature on resilience and vulnerability of the Amazon forest
Chen, S., Stark, S.C., Nobre, A.D., Cuartas, L.A., de Jesus Amore, D., Restrepo-Coupe, N., Smith, M.N., Chitra-Tarak, R., Ko, H.,...

1 min de leitura
Marina Silva's greetings
Brazilian minister of environment and climate greets the participants of the Embracing Nature's Complexity conference

1 min de leitura
AMOC decline and recovery in a warmer climate: New publication
Nobre, P., Veiga, S.F., Giarolla, E. et al. AMOC decline and recovery in a warmer climate. Sci Rep 13, 15928 (2023)....

2 min de leitura
How plant transpiration controls ecosystem moisture regimes: New publication
Makarieva A.M., Nefiodov A.V., Nobre A.D., Bardi U., Sheil D., Baudena M., Saleska S.R., Molina R.D., Rammig A. (2023) The role of...

11 min de leitura
A controversial Russian theory claims forests don’t just make rain—they make wind
By Fred Pearce for Science on Jun. 18, 2020. Every summer, as the days get long, Anastassia Makarieva leaves her lab in St. Petersburg...

4 min de leitura
Forests that serve the climate
Adding climate, water and syntropy to re-forestation and greening An exciting new opportunity is opening up on the horizon of...

4 min de leitura
Main Findings
The text below was largely composed in November 2006. The Russian version of "Main Findings" is based on a seminar given in the...

16 min de leitura
How I learned to become a gardener, by Urlirch Zens
Family of Gardeners I was about 5 years old, in the early sixties, when my family moved to a new four floor apartment building in my...
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